How Do I Change a disk drive in a Hikvision NVR?

IR Troubleshooting Guide - How To Fix Blurry Night Images

Why is my NVR/DVR beeping?

Common issues for the DVR/NVR beeping are the following:

  • HDD not formatted or in error state
  • IP address conflicted
  • Record/Capture error
  • Network disconnected

To fix the issue login via the DVR/NVR local interface, go to

  • * GUI3 version: Menu->System Configuration->Exception.
  • * GUI4 version: Configuration->Event->Basic Event->Exception

Go through the dropdown list of exception types and select each exception type and un-check AUDIBLE WARNING if it is checked for that exception.

If the unit stops beeping, then the current exception selected is the cause of the beeping.


How To Watch Smart Playback in NVR

Hikvision NVR Hard Disk Drive Compatibility Giude

How to Watch Smart Playback in NVR

How do I add an IP camera to a Hikvision NVR using an external PoE switch?